Experiencing Abnormal Bleeding?

Many women experience abnormal uterine bleeding at least once in their lives. Younger women might have unusual bleeding due to a simple hormonal imbalance. Later in life, uterine bleeding becomes more common as women near menopause. The diagnosis typically isn’t life threatening, but concerns over polyps, fibroids and even cancer, mean that these symptoms shouldn’t be ignored.

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Kansas City’s abnormal bleeding specialist, Dr. Swan, will work closely with you to find the root cause of your abnormal/heavy bleeding. Often times, we can use your symptoms, medical history, and the results from some non-invasive procedures to diagnose the problem accurately, and discuss treatment options. We also provide consultation with women seeking a second opinion, or looking for non-invasive treatment options over gynecologic surgery.

Possible Causes of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

The reason for abnormal uterine bleeding ranges from hormonal imbalances to uterine polyps, fibroids, and can include a more serious diagnosis like cancer. Sometimes abnormal bleeding simply denotes the onset of menopause.


Usually benign, polyps can be the cause abnormal bleeding and impact ones fertility. Uterine polyps, or endometrial polyps are small masses of endometrial tissue. A sonogram with infusion of saline can be used to identify the presence of polyps. The same process can also used to confirm that the polyps are removed.

Uterine Fibroids

Fibroids are small, benign tumors. Common symptoms of uterine fibroids include:

  • Abnormal bleeding

  • Frequent urination

  • Pelvic cramping

  • Painful periods

  • Pressure in lower abdomen, feeling “full”.

  • Painful intercourse

Pelvic exams and ultrasounds are often used to identify the presence of fibroids in the uterus, the severity of the bleeding from fibroids depends on location. Fibroids within the uterine cavity will usually effect bleeding the greatest. Only an ultrasound can determine the accurate location of fibroids.

Our Approach is Uniquely Tailored to You

Swan Gynecology understands that every woman is different. The diagnosis, treatment and management of abnormal bleeding varies, as it is based on YOUR health, medical history, symptoms and your future plans and reproductive goals.

What is considered abnormal uterine bleeding?


Most women will experience abnormal bleeding at least once in their lives, so when should you take action?

• If you are frequently bleeding or spotting between periods

• If your periods that occur less than 28 days or more than 35 days apart

• If you are bleeding heavily

• If you are experiencing bleeding that lasts longer than normal, or for more than 7 days

• If you are bleeding post menopause

Swan Gynecology specializes in accurately solving even the most complex abnormal bleeding cases. If you need us, we are here. Call us at 816.444.6888 today. (You can also fill out the form, and we will respond as fast as possible).